Final Music Video

AUDIENCE - why and how do you consume music?

AUDIENCE - why and how do you consume music?
How do you consume music?

When? do you have a daily music routine? Is some music more suitable at a certain time of day than another?
I listen to music whenever I am doing a miscellaneous task to fill in gaps of boredom or if I am walking anywhere I will more often than not have my headphones in. I use it for the most part as a distraction from mundane environments such as driving I will put on the radio or play music from my phone to keep me entertained.

Where? clubs, bedroom, gigs, car?
I listen to music when i'm walking anywhere or when i'm in a car.

Who with? do you share your music or is it an individual experience?
I listen to music is very much an individual experience  for the most part I listen to my own music with my headphones in by myself and rarely share my music with my friends because they often have diffrent music preferences however when i'm in the car with them and listening to the radio or at parties and festivals then we all do listen to the same music.

How? radio, computer, ipod, tv, live, dancing, homework, getting ready ie doing other things - background wallpaper
I listen to music via YouTube and my phone when I do listen to it as YouTube gives an endless variety of musci which I then download onto my phone so it is more portable. I listen to music when i'm doing homework and chores around the house to fill in background noise.

Why? What are the pleasures associated with music consumption? What does it offer the audience and what needs does it gratify?
I use music to make me feel good by listening to an upbeat song or to be able to relate to something else by listening to a sad and meaningful track.