Final Music Video

Group Strengths & Obstacles

During our recent efforts at filming it has become clear of the obstacles that our group is going to have to overcome during the production of our music video. A major obstacle that was apparent to us all even before filming was the fact that we do not have many free days to film between us as in one week we might only get two or three days to film as other people have prior commitments such as work or family events. 
Another obstacle that our group has also had to deal with was the schedules of locations. As a majority of locations we have filmed long scenes in, are apart of the school so there is only a certain amount of time that they can let us use their departments.

However through all of this our group has been doing well and is progressing nicely, as even though we only had a limited time in filming per day will still aim to give our all and put in a huge amount of effort when in front of the camera and make sure to get the best possible take we can to further help our video. As well as this I think that our group is doing very well in keeping on top of our blogs as we are on target in reaching 100 posts by the end of the year. Another strength of our group is our editing as seen in our first draft we used various effects and cuts to produce a promising first draft. 

Overall I am confident that we will make an enjoyable and well-made music video.